Pivot or Perish: Bracing for the Impact of AI on the Workforce

Pivot or Perish: Bracing for the Impact of AI on the WorkforceBy Rohan Krishna

Humanoid robots, self-driving cars, hyperloops, military exoskeletons, smart virtual assistants, and robo-advisors for stock trading — these are some of the few audacious things made possible by Artificial Intelligence (AI). Today, AI has crossed the realm of science-fiction to seep firmly into our reality. It keeps us informed of current events and the weather, influences our buying decisions, recommends songs we might like, and even chooses the best selfie from our phone gallery.

AI systems have also become pervasive across different industries, including finance, healthcare, education, retail, and communications. Companies are progressively relying on Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Deep Learning (DL) to automate routine tasks and efficiently perform complex ones. The far-reaching impact of AI on the global workforce and the ethical dilemma it poses, in terms of job displacement, has become a topic of polarizing debates and discussions.

Humans Need Not Apply: Will an AI Steal Your Job?

Automation will displace between 400 and 800 million jobs by 2030, according to a McKinsey report. This will compel over 375 million people to switch job categories entirely. Considering that AI is rapidly becoming good at many “human” jobs, such as diagnosing diseases and providing customer service, workers across industries are justifiably apprehensive about what this means for their long-term job security.

Moreover, the disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic have led to accelerated automation adoptions, with organisations scrambling to adjust to the new normal of remote and hybrid workplaces. Now researchers and business leaders are exploring new ways of integrating AI into the workplace with minimal friction and backlash to workers. Cynics and detractors, however, continue to cry foul at the potential dangers of AI. Although we can rest assured that AI will not replace all jobs, finding ways to meld AI into the workplace through augmentation of human skills, rather than substitution of jobs, becomes crucial.

Reimagining the Workplace of the Future

AI is here to stay, and it is already complementing human labour at the workplace. To fulfil their AI aspirations, employers will have to identify their AI needs, develop a robust AI transformation strategy, and invest in communication, change management, and on-the-job training to help employees transition to a human-AI blended workplace. Education providers will also have to chip in by delivering STEM skills and advanced courses for futuristic jobs at scale. The most critical challenge, however, will be obtaining the most in-demand AI skills.

Another McKinsey report points out that nearly 14% of the global workforce will need to get new skills or switch jobs by 2030 because of automation and AI. The most in-demand roles in the near future will be AI and ML specialists, software developers, data scientists, and project managers. To fill these current positions and new ones that are yet to be created, employees and job seekers will have to quickly acquire a diverse skill-set and find innovative ways of working to thrive in the workplace of the future.

Securing in-demand AI Skills

In the coming decade, the demand for advanced technological skills such as software programming will rapidly grow. At the same time, there will also be a growing demand for social, emotional, and higher cognitive skills, including creativity, critical thinking, and complex information processing, which are still beyond the reach of current AI capabilities. This opens up a whole host of upskilling, reskilling, continuous learning, and lifelong learning opportunities for individuals.

Here are a few tips to help you master AI skills and be future-ready: believe in your ability to learn and succeed in the AI era; find an industry that excites you, and research the technologies they use; sift through job descriptions and connect with people in the roles you are keen on; identify and compare your transferable skills from previous work experience or volunteer activities with positions that interest you; find and invest in training programmes, mentorship opportunities, and online and offline courses to learn relevant specialized skills, fill your skill gaps, and enhance your core competencies.

A Fearless Walk into the Future: Collaborating with AI

A Gartner report states that AI-related job creation will reach two million net-new jobs in 2025. Besides, a PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) study has found that any job losses from automation, could be broadly offset in the long run by new jobs, created by larger and wealthier economies, made possible by AI. Further, entrepreneurs will also create new lines of business that we cannot yet imagine. These observations support the hypothesis that automation may create more jobs than it displaces.

Hence, it stands to reason that we are better off preparing to collaborate with AI at the workplace rather than resisting its imminent impact. As Oren Etzioni observed, ‘AI is neither good nor evil. It is a technology for us to use.’

The author, Rohan Krishna, is Co-Founder and CEO of Elite (EdSanta).

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed are solely of the author and ETHRWorld does not necessarily subscribe to it. ETHRWorld will not be responsible for any damage caused to any person or organisation directly or indirectly.

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