Vandals Are Stuffing Meat Into Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Officials say it’s a part of a trend of charging station vandalism.

Where’s the Beef?

As electric vehicles become more popular, a growing number of detractors have come out of the woodwork to express their anti-electric car views. While most just simply turn to social media to voice their opinions, there are a few out there who have taken a more hands-on approach. 

Or at least that was the case for some vandals in Germany who stuffed ground meat into some connectors at an electric charging station, according to Teslarati

Damaged Goods

The meat damaged the Munich charging station and caused it to be temporarily inoperable until its plug contacts were replaced.


While baffling, this incident was just one example of several electric vehicle charging stations that have fallen victim to vandalism in the area. In fact, Stadtwerke München (Munich Utilities) has noted a rise in vandalism cases against charging stations, according to Teslarati.  

Prank or Political Statement?

Sure, this could just be a simple prank. Or maybe it was from some hungry dude who really doesn’t understand how to cook his burgers. But there’s good reason to believe that it might have come from someone who holds ardent anti-electric car opinions — and expresses it in downright irritating ways.

After all, many Tesla owners are no strangers to this type of treatment. And of course, there’s the ICE-ing trend whereby non-electric car owners intentionally park in spots reserved for electric vehicle charging. 


Despite all this, there is one thing that’s for certain: Electric cars are the inevitable future of personal transportation — and no amount of ground meat is going to stop that.

READ MORE: EV chargers fall victim to weird attack that’s worse than Tesla Supercharger ICE-ing [Teslarati]

More on electric cars: Tesla’s Anti-Iceing System Just Got an Upgrade

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