“Come away with me” awarded by the FIA ​​for the best campaign on mobility


Second FIA Award for ACI Communication. Ludovico Fois: “45 seconds of video-poetry to pay homage to Italian mobility”.

The ACI “Come away with me” campaign won the FIA ​​2021 “Excellence in Advertising Award”, the prestigious award that the International Automobile Federation assigns, every year, to the most beautiful awareness campaign on mobility and road safety. The official announcement, yesterday, during the Plenary Assembly of Region I, held as part of the Spring Meetings 2021.

Mobility engine of development Theme of “Come away with me” – conceived by Ludovico Fois, Head of Communication and Councilor for External and Institutional Relations of ACI, and sponsored by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and MIT – mobility as an engine for recovery and relaunch of our country. After the first three, dramatic, months of total lockdown, imposed by the containment and contrasting needs of Covid, the ACI invited the Italians to release all their energy to restart society and the economy, through mobility, which has always been a fundamental engine of development.

Second “Excellence in Advertising Award” for ACI communication This is the second time that the Federation chaired by Jean Todt – 246 Automobile Clubs of 145 nations, representing more than 80 million associated motorists – awards an ACI communication campaign. In fact, in 2018, the FIA ​​”Excellence in Advertising Award” went to the three videos of the 2017 ACI institutional campaign, dedicated to new forms of mobility, road safety and promotion of the values ​​of motor sport.

Fois: a video-poem to pay homage to Italian mobility “In 45”, with a poetic and highly evocative language – explained Ludovico Fois, creator of the campaign – we wanted to pay homage to Italian mobility, which – for more than 100 years – it allows us to better live everyday life, family, work and free time, realizing projects, aspirations, dreams. Restarting the life and economy of tens of millions of Italians means regaining courage and enthusiasm, knowing that – just as it has helped us build a great past – mobility will also help us build a great future. Allow me – concluded Fois – to thank the great protagonists of Italian mobility, such as Ferrari, Webuild, Lamborghini and Piaggio, for their fundamental contribution to the realization of the spot awarded by the FIA ​​”.

Link to the campaign video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zjnd7EhaQ6U

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