UAW Vice President Gerald Kariem, key liaison to Ford, announces retirement

UAW Vice President Gerald Kariem, the key liaison to Ford Motor Co. for the labor union, announced Tuesday that he will end his term early and retire next month.

He plans to serve in his role through June 30. An appointment will be made to fulfill the balance of his term, which ends in June 2022. 

Kariem, 65, of Saginaw stepped into the role as director of the UAW Ford Department in January 2020 after now-UAW President Rory Gamble suddenly was asked to accept a promotion amid scandal involving then-President Gary Jones and others.

Kariem, the son of a foundry worker, worked on the assembly line at age 20. He built steering column housings at Saginaw Steering Gear in 1976. He is widely respected by the rank-and-file who have said they appreciate his long history with the union.

He is also known for making frequent worksite visits and had a highly visible presence on the picket line during the UAW strike on General Motors in 2019.

Since ascending to VP, he has handled daily labor issues and negotiations with the largest employer of UAW members in the industry. 

He worked with Ford to implement COVID-19 safety protocols for UAW members in the factories; has offered guidance and support during the manufacturing cutbacks triggered by a semiconductor shortage; engaged in ongoing discussions related to technology changes in the industry and implemented the 2019 collective bargaining contract.

Kariem notified staff and his board on Tuesday afternoon. He said the decision was long in the making.

“I had intended to retire at 65,” Kariem said in prepared remarks. “But it was important to get our Ford members through this pandemic and make sure we had solid footing for our membership before I retired. I’m proud of the work we have done implementing the 2019 labor agreement, steering through this pandemic and the day-to-day challenges it presented, and now this worldwide launch of the F-150 Lightning. The time is right to pass the torch.”

Ford wishes him “the very best,” John Savona, Ford vice president of manufacturing and labor, said Tuesday, “We will miss working with him.”

The UAW has a long tradition of retirement at age 65, a UAW news release said.

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Kariem said he is looking forward to spending more time with his family but will also remain involved in nonprofit community work.