German Handelsblatt: Software project: Advance into new business areas: Volkswagen enters traffic analysis in the USA002136

VW software

In Carmel, a city in the American Midwest, the software has been counting and analyzing traffic with cameras at streets, intersections and roundabouts for two weeks now.

(Photo: Volkswagen)

As part of the shift towards digital corporations, San Francisco automakers like VW are increasingly moving into areas that no longer have anything to do with the production of car bodies or engines. “Overall, the issue of software is the greater challenge for the automotive industry,” VW boss Herbert Diess recently told the Handelsblatt.
However, this challenge also opens up new opportunities: The world’s second largest car manufacturer is working with the 100,000-inhabitant city of Carmel in the US state of Indiana to use its software to analyze traffic there – a business that has previously served completely different technology groups.

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