DIRECT. Covid-19: Strong rebound in global growth of 5.8% in 2021, OECD predicts

The essential

Today’s events

10:35 am. A first case in the Palau archipelago. The small archipelago of Palau in the Pacific has just identified a first case of contamination. But authorities were quick to point out that this was an old case and that there was no risk of the disease spreading so far. The country of 21,000 inhabitants was until then one of the few nations in the world not to have been affected by the virus identified for the first time in China. This achievement is due in particular to the very early closure of the borders, which had very serious repercussions on the local tourism-oriented economy.

10 hours. The OECD predicts a strong rebound in global growth. For the OECD, global growth is expected to approach 5.8% this year after contracting 3.5% in 2020 thanks to action by governments and central banks. Nevertheless, the organization calls for vaccines as much of the world’s population as possible at the risk of having to face further setbacks and new lockdowns. In the United States, growth is forecast at 6.9% in 2021 after contracting 3.5% the previous year. The same goes for China (8.5%) and India (9.9%). In the euro zone, economic activity is expected to grow by 4.3%, then 4.4% in 2022 after a 6.7% drop in GDP in 2020. France is credited with 5.8% this year then 4% next year.

9.40 a.m. France will receive from July the first funds of the European plan. According to Clément Beaune, Secretary of State for European Affairs, on France Info, France should gradually begin to receive from July its share of the funds of the post-COVID European recovery plan of 750 billion euros from the ‘European Union. “We are expecting a little over 40 billion euros for France, it will start to arrive from July,” he explained. The minister recalled that “more than a third” of the French recovery plan totaling 100 billion euros had already been committed, without waiting for the arrival of the European contribution.

9:35 am. Almost 153,000 new cases in India. In total since the start of the epidemic, India has recorded 28.05 million cases. At the same time, the country has deplored 3,128 deaths in 24 hours, for a total of 329,100 deaths.

9:30 am. The semiconductor shortage could last for several more years. Intel boss Pat Gelsinger said the semiconductor shortage could last for several more years.

9 hours. The French health pass “will comply with European data protection regulations”. Concretely, medical data will not be mentioned. The code will just give the authorization to enter the territories, assures the secretary of state for European affairs on France Info. Finally, France will not recognize a tourist vaccinated with a Russian or Chinese vaccine.

8:50 am. An antigen test or PCR to make a child travel to Europe this summer? “This is the point that we are still in the process of harmonizing at European level, in particular the threshold from which a test will be imposed”, explained this Monday morning on France Info Clément Beaune, Secretary of State for European Affairs . As for adults, in order to travel to Europe, they will have to present the Tous Anti Covid application.

8:05 am. The associations are worried about the end of the winter truce for evictions from June 1. According to the Abbé Pierre Foundation, the resumption of evictions this year threatens 30,000 households, or nearly 66,000 people, “in a dramatic health, economic and social context, which primarily weakens the most vulnerable”. The government promises to stagger the evictions over two years and to find a solution of rehousing or accommodation for those affected. An untenable promise, according to housing assistance associations. The government has also promised to maintain the thousands of emergency accommodation places until next spring.

8 hours. Contamination in the United States at its lowest. The United States recorded just over 12,000 new cases in 24 hours, the lowest number since the start of the epidemic, according to data from Johns Hopkins University and Bloomberg. The daily death toll in the United States fell to 362 on Saturday as the nationwide vaccination campaign is in full swing.

7.45 a.m. The public deficit expected to be 9.4% in 2021, according to Bruno Le Maire, the Minister of the Economy. Already on Sunday, Olivier Dussopt, the Deputy Minister in charge of Public Accounts, announced a massive deterioration in the state’s budget deficit this year to 220 billion euros, or 47 billion more than expected. This would be a new record since 1945, after the peak last year. This new forecast of the public deficit announced on France 2 by the Minister of the Economy will appear in the amending finance bill (PLFR) presented to the Council of Ministers on Wednesday. It is higher than the government’s previous estimate, which stood at a public deficit equivalent to 9% of national wealth. On the set of France 2, the Minister of the Economy, however, remained positive on the economic development of the country.

The economic indicators are good. I am convinced that we will achieve 5% growth in 2021 and that at the beginning of 2022 we will return to the level of economic development that we had in 2019. # Les4V

– Bruno Le Maire (@BrunoLeMaire) May 31, 2021

7:25 am. An anti-Covid test or a vaccination certificate for spectators of the Tokyo Olympics? If the organizers have yet to determine whether the events of the Tokyo Olympics will be played behind closed doors, according to the local press, in the event that local spectators are admitted, they could be forced to present a negative result to an anti- Covid or a vaccination certificate. Cheering and the consumption of food or alcohol are also reportedly prohibited.

7 hours. The decline in the number of RSA beneficiaries continues. According to the Directorate of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (DREES) after the sharp increase observed between spring and autumn 2020, if the level of RSA staff at the end of March 2021 remains higher than that of ‘before the health crisis, the number of beneficiaries is decreasing. At the end of March 2021, two million households received the RSA, an increase of 2.4% compared to March 2020, but a decrease of 1.1% compared to the previous month. According to the National Family Allowances Fund (CNAF), this decrease is explained by the decrease in the number of entitlement to RSA (entries) associated with RSA outflow flows that are still high on average.

6:35 am. New restrictions in South Africa. The South African president has announced tightening restrictions due to the start of a third wave in the country. Four of the country’s nine provinces, including Gauteng, which includes Johannesburg as well as the capital Pretoria, have already been affected. The curfew imposed so far between midnight and 4 a.m. starts at 11 p.m. Non-essential businesses, including bars, restaurants and gyms, must close at 10 p.m. Gatherings, including religious ceremonies and political gatherings, are limited to 250 people outdoors and 100 indoors.

6.30am. Venezuela expects 5 million vaccines from the Covax system in June. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said he was waiting for the arrival of 5 million vaccines against Covid-19 via the Covax system of the World Health Organization (WHO) for underprivileged countries while his country is severely affected by a second wave of the pandemic since March. The country of 30 million has officially recorded more than 230,000 cases and 2,600 deaths, but NGOs denounce underestimated figures as hospitals and clinics are overwhelmed.

6:20 am. No Copa América in Argentina. Two weeks before the start of the Copa America, the South American Football Confederation decided that the football tournament should not be played in Argentina due to the pandemic. Several countries have expressed their interest in hosting the tournament instead, such as Chile. continental ”.

6:15 am. Closure of the Renault plant in India. Workers at a Renault-Nissan plant in southern India will not report to work due to coronavirus-related safety concerns, according to a union letter to the company. The unions are calling for the implementation of social distancing measures, support for the families of deceased workers and the medical treatment of people.

6:10 am. Vaccination open to all. The entire adult population is eligible for vaccination against Covid-19. This step is crucial to avoid a rebound in the epidemic as restrictions gradually ease. Candidates will however be patient: reservations, which started four days ago, are arriving “gradually” on specialized internet platforms (Doctolib, Keldoc, Maiia). The government’s target of 30 million first-time vaccines by June 15 appears tenable. Read our article.

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