Skoda begins shipping Covid relief supplies to India

In line with its commitment, announced on May 12, to provide financial resources and Covid relief supplies worth a total of one million euros (Rs 8.2 crore) to India, Skoda Auto in association with the Volkswagen Group, has begun shipping supplies to India.

In its effort to support the local fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, the Czech car manufacturer is taking responsibility as an employer in the region to support the country in response to the serious humanitarian situation. The company says it is cooperating intensively with the KOVO trade union in this context.

Thomas Schafer, CEO, Skoda Auto, says: “Our donation is now on its way to India. I would like to thank all those involved who have actively helped with the planning, organisation and implementation of this initiative. We are delivering medical equipment, liquid oxygen tanks and an oxygen generator to help effectively the people in need. We remain concerned about the humanitarian situation in India. Every day we exchange information with our Indian friends there and hope that the circumstances will improve soon.”

The first part of the donations in kind have already been shipped and are on their way to their destination, where the Indian Red Cross will distribute them quickly to clinics and aid organisations.

The carmaker is in total sending items including medical equipment, an oxygen generator and liquid oxygen tanks. Skoda says its purchasing and logistics departments worked under high pressure to procure the relief supplies and send them to the crisis region as quickly as possible, despite the difficult conditions caused by the pandemic.

Gurpratap Boparai, Managing Director of Skoda Auto Volkswagen India, emphasises: “The current development of the coronavirus pandemic poses immense challenges for the people in our country. The situation in the medical facilities, in particular, is critical and they need all the help available. The generous in-kind and cash donations from our friends at Skoda Auto will bring relief to the sick and relief workers.”

Skoda Auto, which is responsible for the Volkswagen Group’s activities on the Indian market, has a

long-standing relationship of trust with local partners.

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