Social Marketing is Getting More Personal(ized)

Since the earliest days of MySpace, internet celebrities have flexed their promotional muscle by spinning up their own direct-to-consumer brands and selling millions of dollars worth of merchandise to their followers. It’s no surprise their campaigns work so well: Influencer marketing is widely understood to be one of the most effective forms of marketing, primarily because we tend to trust recommendations from people we know.

Other companies and brands have picked up on the power of the digital influencer too, and influencer marketing spend is estimated to be worth over $10 billion dollars a year. Furthermore, when compared to more traditional, obnoxious forms of digital advertising (like banner ads or pre-roll videos), influencer and content marketing (like this!) is only getting more popular.

But getting an uber-celebrity to share a link to your crowdfunding campaign or name drop your small business isn’t easy or cheap, with some influencers commanding seven figures just to share a single post. Not to mention, the bigger the influencer’s audience, the more likely you are to reach fake accounts or customers outside of your target audience, especially if you’re just starting up or a small business. It may work great for larger brands and companies, but it’s traditionally considered about as viable as a local pizza joint buying a national TV spot.

Thankfully, the internet is a big place with lots of niche influencers who may not be world famous, but they do have a considerable amount of reach and trust with their own sizable audiences. Finding and hiring them is as easy as signing up for Intellifluence, a service where anyone can spin up their very own, highly targeted influencer marketing campaign with just a few hundred dollars. Not inclined to manage influencers directly through a self-serve platform? They also offer a slightly higher priced managed services option, taking all the guesswork out of influencer marketing campaign building.


Intellifluence has over 100,000 registered and confirmed influencers of all sizes available to promote your business, whether that means directly sharing content that you’ve already created or getting custom made content by some of the most notable creators on the internet. Like running a small business, being a small to mid-sized influencer is usually a labor of love, and by running influencer campaigns through Intellifluence, you’re directly supporting a different kind of small business.

Perhaps most importantly though, the democratization of influence is one of the original unfulfilled promises of the internet. The idea that any person could have a platform to build an audience and business around their passion has turned out countless millionaires and billionaires in our lifetime, but only with Intellifluence can “regular” influencers turn their considerable clout into trusted promotional channels. So whether you have a desire to tap into one of the latest trends in digital marketing or an engaged audience you’re looking to monetize, head to Intellifluence today to get started.

Futurism Readers: This content was created by a non-editorial team and was paid for by Intellifluence. The views in this article don’t necessarily reflect the views of the Futurism editorial staff.

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