German Handelsblatt: +++ Corona-News +++: Lauterbach sees no need for lockdown in new outbreaks – Volkswagen wants to start vaccinations on June 10th 002175

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06/03/2021 – 8:43 pm

Laura Lang

For the first time in a good seven months, there is no night-time blocking on Mallorca. The Spanish Supreme Court lifted the ban on going out on the holiday island and on the other Balearic Islands, which was supposed to end on Sunday anyway. The “Tribunal Supremo” also overturned restrictions on private gatherings. Such rules are incompatible with the law and the threat situation is not appropriate, the court said on Thursday in Madrid. The left regional government of the Balearic Islands then stated in an initial reaction that the judgment was respected. However, it is recommended that all citizens of the Balearic Islands continue to observe the limitation of the number of participants at private meetings. “We only took these measures to save lives. And we think that they are proportionate, as the Higher Regional Court of the Balearic Islands recently found, “said government spokesman Iago Negueruela to journalists in Palma. After the end of the nationwide six-month corona emergency on May 9, which allowed such measures, the regional government of the Balearic Islands independently ordered, among other things, a night curfew and restrictions on meetings.

03.06.2021 – 18:57

Lisa Oenning

The delta mutant, which was first found in India, is now dominant in the UK. This was announced by Public Health England (PHE). The variant could carry a higher risk of hospital treatment than the alpha mutant, which was first detected in the UK, the agency warned. In the most recent weekly numbers, 5,472 new cases of the Delta variant were reported, bringing the total to 12,431. With that she overtook the alpha mutant.

03.06.2021 – 17:55

Laura Lang

In the fight against the corona pandemic, the heads of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank have called on the seven leading industrialized countries (G7) to deliver excess vaccines to developing countries as quickly as possible. In addition, the manufacturers would have to ramp up their production and, like the states, increase transparency in the award of contracts, financing and delivery of Covid-19 vaccines, said IMF boss Kristalina Georgiewa and World Bank President David Malpass in a joint statement to the G7 Thursday with.
“The wider distribution of vaccines is both an urgent economic need and a moral imperative,” they said. “The coronavirus pandemic will only end when everyone has access to vaccines, including people in developing countries.” The G7 finance ministers will meet in London on Friday for two-day consultations, which will primarily focus on the corona crisis.

03.06.2021 – 17:36

Laura Lang

SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach sees no need for another lockdown in Germany, even with possible new corona outbreaks in the future. “In principle, nothing stands in the way of a really good summer,” he told the news channel “Welt” on Thursday. He is expecting a fourth corona wave when the interiors are opened and people meet “who have not yet been vaccinated and have not recovered and may not have been tested “. But it would not be outbreaks “that have the dimension that we need a lockdown again.” In addition, Lauterbach expressed understanding for parents wanting to vaccinate their children, although the Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) does not recommend anyone from the age of 12 Biontech vaccine has pronounced. From June 7, young people can apply for a vaccination. In an interview, the health politician also regretted that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine had become a “slow seller”. As with the Astra-Zeneca vector vaccine, sinus vein thrombosis has occurred in rare cases. However, the Johnson & Johnson vaccine only needs one dose for complete immunization, which is why, according to Lauterbach, it is in great demand in America.

Image: dpa

03.06.2021 – 17:48

Laura Lang

The US government plans to distribute a large part of its vaccine donations to other countries through the Covax vaccination program. The White House on Thursday released details of the distribution of the first 25 million vaccine doses that have been promised to other states. At least 75 percent of them, almost 19 million cans, should therefore be distributed via Covax. Of this, about six million doses are planned for Latin America and the Caribbean, about seven million doses for South and Southeast Asia and about five million doses for Africa. The US wants the remaining 25 percent of the first 25 million vaccine doses, about 6 million doses -Government directly to countries such as neighboring Canada and Mexico as well as India and South Korea. The US government has so far promised to share 80 million vaccine doses with other countries by the end of June. As early as the end of April, the US government announced that it would sell 60 million doses of the corona vaccine from the manufacturer Astra-Zeneca, which is currently not approved in the USA, to other countries, followed in May by the Americans, a further 20 million doses To transfer vaccination doses of already approved agents to other countries. With an FDA emergency approval, the vaccines from Pfizer / Biontech, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson are currently approved for use in the USA.

03.06.2021 – 15:44

Alisa Swoboda

After the end of the risk group prioritization and the completion of the first model projects, VW wants to vaccinate its own employees nationwide against the corona virus from next week. On Thursday (June 10th) the company doctors at all German locations of the core brand in Lower Saxony, Saxony and Hesse (Kassel) will get started on a “larger scale”, according to the latest edition of the employee newspaper “Mitbestimmen”. Colleagues who work in production are given priority internally over other workforce groups from administration, for example. Volkswagen had already set up several vaccination centers of its own and took part in test runs for various companies in Lower Saxony in recent weeks. By the end of June at the latest, all employees of the largest German group should now receive a letter with a personal vaccination offer. You can then reserve your appointment with the attached TAN code.

03.06.2021 – 17:37

Laura Lang

Travelers from Japan will be able to enter the European Union more easily in the future. Due to improved corona numbers, the country was put on the list of third countries by the EU on Thursday for which strict entry restrictions should no longer apply. So far, only Australia, New Zealand, Rwanda, Singapore, South Korea, Israel and Thailand have been on the list. All other states have drastic restrictions that mean that most normal people from the country are banned from entering the country. The list is regularly revised. All EU countries except Ireland and the non-EU countries Switzerland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland had already agreed on the entry restrictions at the beginning of the corona pandemic. Accordingly, all non-essential trips to the EU are prohibited. However, the entry stop is not legally binding. There are also exceptions, for example, for EU citizens and their families.

03.06.2021 – 16:07

Alisa Swoboda

Every second adult in Great Britain is now fully vaccinated against Corona. “Another important milestone today,” tweeted Vaccination State Secretary Nadhim Zahawi on Thursday. “50 percent of all adults in Great Britain now have the protection of two doses of vaccine.” More than three quarters of adults have so far received a first corona vaccination.

03.06.2021 – 16:15

Alisa Swoboda

The Swedish government has received severe criticism for its handling of the corona pandemic. The control committee of the Reichstag submitted a report on Thursday accusing the government of numerous shortcomings. Among other things, it is criticized that it has not adopted a strategy to combat the pandemic. In addition, the pandemic law, which gives the government more powers, was drafted too late. “The committee is of the opinion that the government’s handling of the pandemic was inadequate,” said chairwoman Karin Enström. Specifically, the control committee describes the inadequate measures to protect people in old people’s homes. In Sweden, a large number of elderly people died, especially at the beginning of the pandemic. As of Thursday, a total of 14,512 deaths linked to Covid-19 infection had been recorded, and the committee also concluded that an unclear division of responsibilities was preventing testing and infection tracking from getting under way quickly enough. In addition, the procurement of protective equipment was not good enough.

03.06.2021 – 16:04

Alisa Swoboda

After a slow start, China is now administering millions of corona vaccine doses every day. More than 704 million syringes had been placed in the People’s Republic by Wednesday, almost half of them in May. About a third of the 1.9 billion doses administered worldwide to date have been injected in China, according to the research website Our World in Data. The Beijing government said it was hoping that 80 percent of the 1.4 billion inhabitants would oppose this by the end of the year Having vaccinated against coronavirus. The People’s Republic currently administers around 19 million doses per day – our World in Data reports this moving seven-day average. How many Chinese people are fully vaccinated is unclear as the government does not publish this data. Depending on the vaccine, one to three injections are required. In the capital Beijing, 87 percent of the population received at least one dose. In the rest of the country it is more difficult to get the coveted material, as local media and users of social networks report. The vaccines administered in the People’s Republic are mainly manufactured by the Chinese companies Sinovac and Sinopharm.

Vaccination center in Beijing Image: AP

06/03/2021 – 3:53 pm

Alisa Swoboda

Free beer, millions in profits, free baseball tickets: The US government is working with companies to step up efforts to achieve President Joe Biden’s next corona vaccination target. Biden announced on Wednesday a “National Action Month” to ensure that by Independence Day on July 4th, 70 percent of all adults in the US have received at least the first vaccination against the virus. This currently applies to around 63 percent of adults.

All over the world, people desperately want a vaccination that any American can get at a neighborhood drugstore for free and without waiting.
US President Joe Biden

Given the vaccination advances, there will be a “summer of freedom” and “summer of joy,” said Biden. But he also warned that it was necessary to ensure that the number of infections did not rise again in autumn when people were indoors again.

03.06.2021 – 10:59

Alisa Swoboda

Almost 1.2 million people in Germany were vaccinated against Corona on Wednesday. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on Thursday (as of 10:20 a.m.), a total of 52.8 million vaccine doses have been administered so far. According to this, 44.6 percent (37.1 million) of people have been vaccinated at least once and 19.6 percent (16.3 million) fully vaccinated. The vaccination rate varies depending on the federal state. The Saarland has the highest rate of at least first vaccinations with 48 percent. With 39.4 percent, Saxony is a little behind the other federal states. While Saarland is also at the top when it comes to taking into account all vaccination doses administered, the campaign in Brandenburg is the slowest, according to the RKI. The eastern federal state has so far received the fewest vaccine doses of any country.

Image: dpa

06/03/2021 – 3:41 pm

Alisa Swoboda

Brits are enjoying the first Corona easing outdoors

06/03/2021 – 3:37 pm

Alisa Swoboda

According to a media report, the UK wants to remove Portugal from the list of safe travel destinations that can be reached without subsequent quarantine. Also, no countries should be added to the safety list, as reported by the BBC.
The reason is therefore the concern about new, more easily transmissible variants of the corona virus. After more than four months of lockdown, Great Britain allowed travel again on May 17. Portugal has since proven to be a lifeline for troubled airlines and travel companies as this destination was again heavily booked.

03.06.2021 – 15:33

Dietmar Neuerer

One year after the agreement of the black-red coalition on an economic stimulus package worth billions, the German Trade Association (HDE) drew a critical balance. At the beginning of the corona crisis, the federal government “acted quickly and decisively”. “But we have to realize that with the aid in the second lockdown from December, a lot did not go smoothly,” HDE-General Manager Stefan Genth told the Handelsblatt. Larger trading companies have not yet received “sufficient economic aid” due to cap regulations at federal and EU level. In addition, owner-managed businesses still have no way of paying out an entrepreneur’s wages.
Genth also criticized the unequal treatment of November and December aid. The trading companies received nothing here, while the catering industry was compensated for a large part of its lost sales. “There have been incomprehensible unequal treatment in some places, which will now be processed legally in many cases.” The HDE managing director pointed out the serious consequences for the industry. “In total, the corona crisis could cost up to 120,000 stores to exist.”
At the same time, Genth warned politicians to simply tick off the problems of the retail trade in view of the opening steps. “The crisis will continue to have an effect for a long time.” For example, many traders would have used up their equity and financial reserves in the pandemic and could no longer invest in the future through no fault of their own. “A digitization fund is needed that provides 100 million euros to ensure that retailers who have been hit by the crisis do not lose touch,” said Genth. In addition, politicians must “intensely” take care of the inner cities. “An inner city fund of 500 million euros is needed here in order to preserve the total work of art in the lively city centers.”

06/03/2021 – 3:09 pm

Alisa Swoboda

According to a survey, people in Germany see the EU measures against the corona pandemic much more critically than other Europeans. Only 35 percent of the respondents in the Federal Republic were satisfied with the measures, compared to 48 percent in the EU average. This comes from the new Eurobarometer published on Thursday among almost 27,000 people. Across the EU, too, a narrow majority of 50 percent is dissatisfied, in Germany 63 percent.

06/03/2021 – 2:07 pm

Alisa Swoboda

Spain’s Supreme Court has declared curfews and restrictions on gatherings in the Balearic Islands to be incompatible with the law. The measures to combat corona are not appropriate to the threat situation, reported the newspaper “El País” and the Europa Press news agency on Thursday, citing the court.
The judgment itself was initially not available. The judges had emphasized that selective restrictions on individual rights to fight a pandemic are permissible, but not generally for the entire population.

06/03/2021 – 13:58

Alisa Swoboda

According to a preliminary Charité evaluation, first Astrazeneca and, as a second dose, Biontech / Pfizer have no disadvantages in terms of effectiveness and tolerability for vaccinated people. According to the study, a combination of the preparations at an interval of ten to twelve weeks is well tolerated and evokes immune responses comparable to that of a series of vaccinations with two Biontech, wrote Charité scientist Leif Erik Sander on Twitter.

06/03/2021 – 13:52

Alisa Swoboda

The classification of Great Britain as a virus variant area is unlikely to change for the time being. The number of new corona infections in the United Kingdom is comparatively low, said Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn on Thursday in Oxford. But the so-called delta variant, which was first discovered in India, has “taken on the dominant role” with a very high proportion of almost 80 percent of the infection rate. But it is important that a large part of the population in Germany is vaccinated before possible variants spread in the country, stressed Spahn. Only German citizens and people residing in Germany are allowed to enter the Federal Republic from virus variant areas. Everyone has to be in quarantine for 14 days, nobody can get rid of it with a negative corona test. In return, travelers from Germany in Great Britain have to do ten days in self-isolation and during that time two corona tests at their own expense. He knows that the situation is difficult, said Spahn. “It’s tough for families, it’s tough for business travelers. It is tough for many friends and partners in the UK and Germany who want to visit and see each other, ”said the Minister. But as long as the variant is so widespread in Great Britain, “unfortunately we still need appropriate quarantine and test regulations”.

03.06.2021 – 07:21

Stefan Kaufmann

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) recorded 4640 new infections within 24 hours. That is 1673 cases less than a week earlier. The nationwide seven-day incidence falls to 34.1 from 36.8 the previous day. 166 other people died. This increases the number of reported deaths to 88,940 within 24 hours. In total, more than 3.69 million corona tests have so far been positive in Germany.


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