Richard Mille adds the partnership with Ferrari and gives space to women

Products in which the share of women has increased, as demonstrated by the seven variants of the RM 72-02 Tourbillon Automatic Talisman launched at the end of 2020. «Almost 30% of our collection today is made up of women’s watches – says the manager -. A segment in which we have been investing for five years with technical and colorful models ».

Given the peculiarity of Richard Mille’s watchmaking made of cutting-edge materials and ultra-technical mechanics (and, consequently, very selective prices), the distribution strategy has not changed: “From 2020 we only sell in 42 owned stores. The demand in the markets is distributed between 30% of the Americas, 30% of the EMEA area (Europe, Middle East and Africa), 30% of Asia and 10% of Japan “specifies Malachard who, with an eye to the ‘summer, he concludes: «When the travels reopen, we will welcome all our customers back to our boutiques. Meeting in person does not beat: especially when you present watches like ours that need time to be told “.

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