German Handelsblatt: Top 10 ranking: The ten most popular electric cars in Germany – from Audi to Zoe002204

Düsseldorf Volkswagen continues to hold the top position in electromobility on its home market. While the German carmaker was surpassed by Renault in 2020, it will kick off its electric offensive in 2021. The first five months of the year make it clear that VW is serious: The Wolfsburg-based company has sold significantly more electric cars than the competition.
This is confirmed by the registration statistics of the Federal Motor Transport Authority: From January to May 2021, 28,964 electric cars of the group were registered. Every fourth Stromer sold in Germany comes from Volkswagen.
The public’s enthusiasm for electromobility seems to be increasing. Sales of purely battery-powered vehicles in May almost quintupled compared to the previous year to around 26,800 units. The increase has accelerated further thanks to an extensive model offensive by the manufacturers. State purchase premiums and tax advantages are fueling the boom in electric vehicles.
These electric car models are currently particularly popular in Germany:

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