“The nursing reform misses the self-formulated goals”

Hans-Jürgen Urban, executive board member of IG Metall:

“The nursing reform misses the self-formulated goals. The problem of the horrendously high own shares has not been solved. As before, many people in need of care will have to pay more than 2,000 euros a month out of their own pocket. The fact that Minister Spahn believes he can make a name for himself with this law shows above all how far he is from the reality of everyday life for employees.

Instead of finally taking reliable steps in the direction of citizens’ insurance, which all shares in solidarity with the costs of care and fully covers care, Minister Spahn is playing off those in need of care against caregivers and the childless against parents. A more than questionable way of dealing with a topic that he himself called a new, social question ‘.”

further information and press photos from Dr. Hans-Jürgen Urban

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