“The federal government finally delivered at the end of the legislative period”

Wolfgang Lemb, executive board member of IG Metall:

“The federal government finally delivered at the end of the legislative period. IG Metall expressly welcomes the law that came into being on the initiative of the responsible Federal Ministers Hubertus Heil and Gerd Müller as well as the broad civil society alliance of trade unions, human rights and environmental associations. The law on corporate due diligence in supply chains marks a long overdue paradigm shift: from corporate voluntariness to legally binding regulations. It is thus an important first step on the way to strengthening the rights of millions of workers who are active in the global supply chains of German companies. In the manufacturing sector alone, more than 140 companies with over 1.5 million employees in Germany are initially subject to the law. “

further information and press photos from Wolfgang Lemb

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