Jaipur: Audit identifies 74 blind spots in city but JDA yet to act

Neha Khullar, consultant, road safety cell, transport department, who was part of the road safety audits, said, “The spots remain vulnerable for accidents. I have not seen any spot identified by us corrected or repaired other than markings at some places.”
Neha Khullar, consultant, road safety cell, transport department, who was part of the road safety audits, said, “The spots remain vulnerable for accidents. I have not seen any spot identified by us corrected or repaired other than markings at some places.”

Jaipur: Inaction on road safety audit report on city roads has put the Jaipur Development Authority (JDA) under the scanner. An audit, which had identified 74 blind spots in 2017, submitted its report to the JDA in 2020. Some of the vulnerable spots which need urgent attention are Apex Circle Chouraha, Jagatpura Balaji Road, Luniawas Bus Stand, Kanota Agra Road, Khole Ke Hanumanji Delhi Bypass Road and Sadva Road.

However, no action has been taken, except a few places, told a traffic board member. The lack of action is costing the lives of the citizens who are meeting with accidents in these black spots. Similarly, a separate audit report on Sodala elevated report has been submitted in November 2020 along with solutions, but it was not even discussed at the JDA. The elevated road is also among the blind spots in Jaipur. The Traffic Control Board meeting was held in January 2021 to discuss the action plan for the road safety audits.

“The decision was taken that work will be initiated soon as per the suggestions submitted by the experts. Thereafter, it never took off till date,” said a member of a board. Partially agreeing to the claims, Aminudin Azad, traffic engineering (JDA), claimed that they have assigned the work at all 74 blind spots in the city. “Due to pandemic, it has been delayed. The work at all spots will soon be completed,” said Khan.

Neha Khullar, consultant, road safety cell, transport department, who was part of the road safety audits, said, “The spots remain vulnerable for accidents. I have not seen any spot identified by us corrected or repaired other than markings at some places.”

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