First ‘Battlefield 2042’ gameplay trailer shows tornadoes, rockets and wingsuits

After a brief tease, EA and DICE are finally ready to show what Battlefield 2042 is like to play — and the earlier trailer wasn’t far off from reality. The companies used Microsoft’s E3 2021 event to show gameplay that’s just as ludicrous as the previous trailer suggested, including chaos-inducing tornadoes, a rocket launch and wingsuits. In other words, it’s ‘classic’ Battlefield — including the creative use of an ATV to take down a helicopter.

The game doesn’t ship until October 22, 2021, although EA hinted at more news on July 22nd. The title will introduce a new Hazard Zone mode and, more importantly, a larger scale that lets 128 players duke it out. While few would say past games were calm affairs, 2042 will likely be more frenetic even when extreme weather isn’t a factor.

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