@Daimler: Mercedes-Benz electrifies north-west Switzerland

  • Pilot scheme: an important step towards climate neutrality and therefore improved life quality
  • Equipped with innovative solid-state batteries and assistance systems

Stuttgart / Oberwil: The electric bus era has just begun for the Baselland Transport AG (BLT) transport company, with five eCitaro. BLT is now starting to operate them on route no. 37. This operation with solo buses is a pilot project. Very soon, eight more eCitaro for BLT will follow. 

Pilot scheme: an important step towards climate neutrality and therefore improved life quality 

“Clean power. 100 % electric” – the unmistakeable lettering on the sides and the rear of the new BLT eCitaro documents the special quality of the new city buses with their striking yellow and red paintwork. By operating electric buses on the no. 37 service route, BLT is taking an important step towards climate neutrality. BLT carefully chose the varied service route because it includes both urban and suburban sections and part of it covers ascending and descending gradients. 

Baselland Transport AG, or BLT for short, is a Swiss transport company that links the city of Basel to the surrounding region via bus and train. BLT operates in the cantons of Basel-Land, Basel-Stadt, Solothurn and in France. Last year, the 65 buses used by the company transported about 8.1 million bus passengers. 

Equipped with innovative solid-state batteries, charging at the bus depot 

BLT chose the eCitaro as a solo bus. An outstanding feature of the fully electric low-entry buses for BLT is equipment with innovative solid-state batteries. The buses are characterised by durability and a very high energy density. The energy supply of the eCitaro for BLT is 441 kWh per bus. As a result of the high capacity of the solid-state batteries, the buses have a wide range. For this reason the eCitaro can operate all day on route no. 37 without having to be recharged en route. The electric buses are charged overnight at Oberwil-Hüslimatt bus depot. 

BLT has set itself the aim of producing as high an output as possible with less and less energy consumption. To achieve this, BLT is choosing innovative solutions to raise energy efficiency. For example, on the roofs of the depot there is one of the largest photovoltaic systems in the region. This produces approx. 1.2 million kWh of electricity per year. Since 2012, BLT has drawn only certified electricity from renewable energy sources from Swiss hydro-electric plants. 

At BLT, the Mercedes-Benz eCitaro beat stiff competition in practical tests. Regarding the key features of technology, ecology, service and upkeep, it fulfils the required criteria best, says BLT. Operation of service no. 37 with electric buses will provide BLT with important experience concerning business factors such as schedule stability, reliability and vehicle maintenance – the next eight fully electric eCitaro will be delivered soon.

 The eCitaro for BLT: not only clean but also supremely safe 

Road safety is also top priority for BLT, which is why the vehicles are equipped with the very latest assistance systems. Preventive Brake Assist warns of a collision with stationary or moving objects. In case of an acute risk of collision it automatically initiates a braking manoeuvre with partial braking. The Sideguard Assist assistance system supports the driver primarily when turning right in road traffic by making the driver aware of the presence of other road users and stationary obstacles and by warning if there is a danger of collision. Thus the eCitaro for BLT are not only particularly clean; they are extremely safe too.

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