German Handelsblatt: Interview with Oliver Blume: Porsche takes over Bugatti: “The brand doesn’t really fit VW” 002365

Oliver Blume

The Porsche boss expects the joint venture at Bugatti to give new momentum to electric cars.

(Photo: Porsche)

Stuttgart The sports car manufacturer Porsche is pushing its business with electric cars, but does not want to completely forego the business with the internal combustion engine. “The focus is on the electrification of our models. Here we are positioning ourselves broadly and technologically leading, ”said Porsche CEO Oliver Blume in an interview with the Handelsblatt.
With the production of green methanol, the VW subsidiary wants to ensure that combustion icons such as the 911 can still be driven with combustion engines in the future. “E-fuels have great cross-sectoral potential and we see ourselves as pioneers for this technology,” added the Porsche boss.

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