German Handelsblatt: Electromobility: VW triples delivery figures for e-cars002490

VW brand electric cars

Volkswagen plans to sell more than a million e-powered cars for the first time this year.

(Photo: dpa)

Wolfsburg Volkswagen is making better and better progress in selling its new electric cars. In the second quarter, global deliveries tripled compared to the same period last year to a good 110,000 purely battery-powered vehicles, as the Wolfsburg-based company announced on Tuesday.
In the next few months, the ramp-up of e-mobility should gain further momentum thanks to new models, said sales manager Christian Dahlheim.
Volkswagen plans to deliver around one million electrified vehicles for the first time this year, including plug-in hybrids. The group wants to meet the CO2 fleet targets in the EU after paying a fine last year.
More: These are the ten most popular electric cars in Germany

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