German Handelsblatt: VW Pkw: VW core brand makes 1.8 billion euros in profit in the first half of the year

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The core brand of Volkswagen is also in a significantly better position again after the deep red figures from the first half of last year. At the end of 2020, the VW Passenger Cars division had already managed to get rid of the corona-related loss – from January to June, the consequences of the pandemic resulted in a loss of around 1.5 billion euros.
Compared to this, the past first half of the year was much more positive, as the company reported on Friday: Cars with the Volkswagen emblem sold well worldwide, with an operating profit of 1.8 billion euros in the end.
It was already known that deliveries since the beginning of the year had increased by almost 23 percent to around 2.7 million vehicles compared to the first six months of 2020. Other group brands such as Audi, Porsche, Seat or the light commercial vehicles were also able to earn significantly more.

The entire VW group even drove a record profit of just under 11.4 billion in ongoing business. After taxes, the Wolfsburg-based company was left with around 8.4 billion euros. However, all these values ​​are to be seen in relation to the very weak starting level of the previous year.

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The auto industry is also still struggling with delivery failures for microchips, VW in particular has problems in China. The chief financial officer of the core brand, Alexander Seitz, explained: “We are seeing the first signs of relaxation in the supply of semiconductors, but we expect a very challenging third quarter.”
The forecast for the year as a whole remains stable, with “significant increases” in sales and revenues being targeted. In the first half of 2021, sales grew by 42 percent compared to 2020 to 40.7 billion euros.
More: VW knows no crisis: car manufacturer writes record numbers and increases profit targets

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