German Handelsblatt: Electromobility: Business lounge for e-car drivers – this is how Audi wants to make charging more convenient002779

Lounge with charging connection

An Audi charging hub will make charging an experience in the future.

Ingolstadt Even VW CEO Herbert Diess recently complained publicly that charging electric cars can sometimes be very unpleasant. “No toilet, no coffee, a column out of order / defective, sad affair”, complained Diess on the business platform LinkedIn and immediately sent a criticism of the group-related Ionity charging network. “That is anything but a premium charging experience, Ionity!”
With its own premium brand Audi, VW wants to do better in the future. With comfortable charging stations in the style of an airport lounge, Audi wants to increase the attractiveness of its electric models for long-distance drivers. The first so-called “Charging Hub” is to go online in autumn in Nuremberg as part of a pilot test.
The concept provides for stations close to the motorway that have HPC charging stations that can be reserved. While the battery is taking up energy at top speed, the occupants should be able to wait in the adjoining lounge area, where work stations and refreshments are available.

The highlight of the hubs is a large buffer storage unit made from used lithium-ion batteries with a capacity of 2.45 MWh. This giant battery is charged overnight with a comparatively low power via a standard 400-volt high-voltage connection, so that the low-voltage network, which is available everywhere, is sufficient for operation. In addition, a solar system ensures constant supplies during the day.

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In this way, around 70 charging processes with 300 kilowatts of power should be possible per day in Nuremberg. If the charging hub in Franconia proves itself, Audi plans to open additional locations. The stations should not cover the basic, but above all the peak demand. In addition to their own customers, third-party customers can also fill up there, but probably at higher prices.
More: Criticism of Ionity – when the VW boss runs out of electricity

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