Japanese liability rules for partial autonomous driving

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In Japan, one wants to adopt a law to introduce autonomous driving, including the liability issue.

In Germany There is already a law, although the technology is not yet approved. In Japan you want to follow suit.

Japan Autonome Fahrtechnik.

Japan autonomous driving technique. Source: asia.nikkei.com

The big question arises in terms of liability, So if it comes to an accident with an autonomous vehicle, who is liable for the damage that is likely is higher, as with conventional vehicles – but whether the expensive sensors.

In Japan, it seems that a solution has been found: The vehicle owners adhere to accidents with semi-autonomous vehicles. In particular, it wants to do industry a favor to stimulate their research efforts and thus for legal certainty to care.

In the partial autonomy (Level 3), which is meant in the draft, the person is asked to follow the traffic and one may not sideline dedicate. Rules for high and full autonomy (Level 4 and Level 5) are still to be worked out.

The liability regime will be part of the guidelines for Autonomous Driving in Japan, which were recently presented. However, the draft still has to be ratified, which is only 2019 should be so far. This is intended to equate the robot car with a conventional car.

Only if the error is clearly on the side of the manufacturer, they should be responsible. The insurance industry should still submit plans to meet the coverage requirements. The vehicles contain one for this Blackboxwhich stores the data for location, steering and battery power.

hacking should be like theft and requires the vehicle owner to take security measures, including updates. The criminal implications are not yet worked out and so one fears one deterrence, this should apply to manufacturers and IT companies.

The question of the suitability of the vehicles bad weather or exceeding the speed limits and the like are still to be clarified.

source (English)
