The registration tax will go up on January 1, 2022 after the suspension introduced this year has waned.

October 8, 2021
Posted by: Jorge Platero
Category: Faconauto News

El impuesto de matriculación subirá el 1 de enero de 2022 tras decaer la suspensión introducida este año

The fall of the amendment in the annual Budget of 2021 will mean an increase in the Registration Tax, according to the new environmental requirements.

On January 1, 2022, the registration tax will be increased. This is due to the fall of the amendment that was introduced in the Budgets of this year to postpone the increase due to the crisis generated after the pandemic. This was explained by María Jesús Montero, Minister of Finance, at the press conference that took place after the Council of Ministers that approved the public accounts for next year.

This increase will take effect after the opposition parties, after the entry into force on January 1 of the new WLTP emissions regulations, forced this change of mind to lower the rise in the price of vehicles. During the processing of the 2021 Budgets in the Senate, the Socialist Parliamentary group rectified its initial position and accepted the freezing of registration taxes until the end of the year.

This tax is linked to the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions that each car homologates. By changing the legislation and making it stricter, cars register a higher number. Therefore, they may skip the rate and have to pay more for the registration tax.

Taxes in the automotive sector

The president of Faconauto, Gerardo Pérez, already analyzed in a interview for OK Diario this assumption has come true.

“The automobile does not admit more taxes, that is to say, there is no more taxed sector than the automotive sector in all its scope: registration tax; VAT; the road tax; the fuel tax. It does not admit more, since in the end it is the consumer who pays those taxes, “he explained.

In addition, he reflected on the influence this rate had on the first months of the year. “In the first six months he had a decisive influence on the purchase of a car. Especially affecting the lower-end, which is where the average income is welcomed. During these six months, with all the uncertainties that we are having, we have not been able to capture the positive effect of that change ”.

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