Japanese charging provider e-Mobility Power chooses Driivz charging management platform

Japanese charging provider e-Mobility Power (eMP) has migrated and unified its network of more than 27,000 chargers onto the Driivz end-to-end EV charging and energy management software platform. Driivz’s technology comprises operations management, authentication and billing, a mobile app and web self-service tools.

In April 2021, eMP took over the Nippon Charge Service (NCS). Driivz provides eMP with the ability to consolidate the former NCS partners, including charger owners and operators, into a single managed system.

eMP selected Driivz following an extensive six-month evaluation. Key factors in the decision were Driivz’s extensive experience integrating chargers from multiple vendors and its proven scalability and flexibility.

Under the Driivz EV management platform, drivers use a single mobile app and web portal to start charging sessions and self-manage their accounts. The platform is also interfaced with an Integrated Authentication system that connects more than 27,000 chargers in Japan. This allows eMP drivers to use other networks’ chargers, and enables non-eMP members to use eMP chargers.

“This partnership with Driivz will aid in future-proofing our EV charging business and streamlining EV charging management while giving our EV drivers the most seamless experience possible,” said Shoko Yotsuyanagi, President of eMP.

“The Driivz platform is empowering eMP to achieve their vision of integrating separate charging operators and creating a single unified network,” said Doron Frenkel, founder and CEO of Driivz.

Source: Driivz

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