Experts: Stop Wearing Radioactive “Anti-5G” Necklaces, Idiots

Image by Futurism

Nuclear experts in the Netherlands are warning against “anti-5G” pendants that some are wearing with the ridiculous idea that they’ll ward off harmful frequencies.

The problem? These products emit potentially harmful ionizing radiation — they’re literally radioactive, in other words — and could could cause negative health effects in the long run.

In short, the irony is palpable.

“Exposure to ionizing radiation can cause adverse health effects,” the Dutch authority for nuclear safety and radiation protection wrote in a statement highlighted by The Guardian. “Due to the potential health risk they pose, these consumer products containing radioactive materials are therefore prohibited by law.”


The agency warned that while the gadgets don’t give out intense levels of radiation, wearing such pendants 24/7 could eventually add up to levels exceeding “the stringent limit for skin exposure that applies in the Netherlands.”

The officials also listed ten products with ionizing radiation that consumers should stay the hell away from, including “quantum pendants” and bracelets “with negative ions,” marketed towards kids.

Conspiracy theorists have been on a years-long tirade against 5G tech, arguing that the completely harmless rays are actually dangerous — and could even be used to spread the coronavirus, however the heck that would work.

Things got so bad last year that broadband engineers in the UK were getting attacked on the streets, and cell towers were being set on fire by conspiracy theorists.


Even the World Health Organization had to spell out the obvious: 5G is safe, as far as we know.

Now, some of these believers are apparently turning to new kinds of jewelry, including products that could actually end up harming them — rather than protecting them from a nonexistent threat.

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