Challenges that dealers will have to face in 2022

December 29, 2021
Posted by: Jorge Platero
Category: Faconauto News

Retos concesionarios 2022

Digitization, the ecological transition, the increase in the registration tax … are some of the challenges that the sector will have to face.

2021 is about to end. A complicated and complex year for dealerships that has been marked by the continuation of the COVID-19 crisis and, especially, by the shortage of microprocessors. However, in just a few hours everything will be left behind and a new stage will begin. 2022 arrives full of uncertainty but with different challenges already known by official distributors. Today in Faconauto we review some of them.

The Threat of Registration Tax

Vehicle buyers will be affected by the increase in Registration Tax from next January 1. Facing this new stumbling block will be one of the main challenges for dealers. As we calculate from Faconauto, the vehicles will become more expensive an average of between 800 and 1,000 euros.

The microchip crisis and sales

With the new year, the microchip crisis is expected to continue. Research companies such as Fitch Solutions calculate that due to the new variants of COVID, the situation could not return to normal until mid-2022. We will have to wait and see how this crisis evolves to know the forecast of registrations and sales.

In the case of Spain, and according to BBVA Research, 1,000,000 cars could be registered in 2022 if supply problems are resolved in the first half of the year. If the restrictions are extended throughout the year, sales would barely reach 940,000 units.

The ecological transition

Regulations, technological uncertainty … will continue to haunt the sector and will be another of the important challenges to be addressed. For the dealers’ employers, the aforementioned ecological transition of the sector involves addressing a new taxation of the car, which would be green and which would be linked to the use and not to the possession of the vehicle.

This transition also involves the electric vehicle reaching a broader base of citizens and the new mobility models reaching all territories.


The trend that has already started after the pandemic has ended will continue in 2022. Buyers will increasingly adopt digital habits in the car buying process. For this reason, the dealer must keep up to date with the main trends to achieve a more fluid and optimal online shopping experience.

Business situation

Finally, the economic and business situation will also be an important factor. After the labor reform and the impact of the pandemic, the president of the employer’s association, Gerardo PĂ©rez, described the situation of Spanish companies as “worrying” because far-reaching reforms are being addressed at a very delicate time and without sufficient security.

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