@BMW: EV-Charging Solution for Connectivity-Constrained Environments: Leading HeyCharge’s Seed Round001688

Despite the increasing availability of electric vehicle (EV) charging points, consumers still constantly face difficulties when it comes to charging their vehicles. Most of the advanced capabilities of charging stations, such as authentication, consumption metering, and cloud accessibility, require a reliable internet connection, which is not always available. This connectivity issue is particularly apparent in places such as underground parking lots in apartment buildings and offices.
HeyCharge’s SecureCharge technology offers a cutting-edge solution to these EV user problems by enabling internet-independent communication between the charging station and the customer’s mobile app. Rather than establishing a direct connection to the cloud via the internet, the customer can initiate the charging process with their mobile app via bluetooth and single-use access tokens are exchanged to start the charging and to document consumption. As soon as the mobile phone’s internet connection is reestablished, the charging data is transferred to the billing platform so a digital payment can be made.

In addition, HeyCharge offers a backend integration via APIs to access information about the charging processes and other core functionalities, such as access control, consumption metering, communication, invoicing, and user management. These capabilities are especially important and in high demand for fleet operators and leasing providers. Moreover, through the available SDK, the interface of the app can be white-labeled to match the customer’s brand identity.
In terms of hardware, HeyCharge’s charging station is simpler and more affordable compared to other existing wall-box solutions. Because of its infrastructure-light setup, any electrician can install the chargers without additional training or the need for separate WiFi or cellular internet configuration and maintenance.
With a superior solution and advanced technology, HeyCharge offers customers an affordable and easy way to charge their electric vehicles in everyday locations where their cars are parked for extended periods of time. This funding round will support the company to scale by facilitating further product development and enabling global market expansion. We are thrilled to lead this seed round, and look forward to supporting Chris, Robert and their team on their journey to becoming a leading charging solution provider.

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