@Daimler: Mercedes-Benz Mobility changes its organisational structure and realigns its Board of Management

  • Mercedes-Benz Mobility, which is now focusing on the car and van business, is changing its organisational structure and its Board of Management
  • Peter Zieringer, the member of the Board of Management of Mercedes-Benz Mobility AG who was previously responsible for the Europe region, will occupy the newly created Board of Management position of Chief Customer Officer of Mercedes-Benz Mobility AG, with effect from 1 April 2022
  • Harald Wilhelm: “Thanks to his many years of management experience in important markets and his permanent focus on the changing needs of our customers, Peter Zieringer will direct the seamless integration of Mercedes-Benz Mobility services into the customer experience and open up additional revenue streams through new customer-oriented services.”

Stuttgart – After the spin-off of the financial services business to Daimler trucks and buses and the focusing on financial and mobility services for Mercedes-Benz cars and vans, Mercedes-Benz Mobility AG is also adapting its global organisational structure, with effect from 1 April 2022. In the future, the 36 national subsidiaries that manage the leasing, financing and insurance business for Mercedes-Benz customers in these markets will be steered directly. To date, the national subsidiaries have been managed via three regional centres for Europe, Asia-Pacific, Africa and China (APAC) and the Americas. In parallel, the Board of Management function “Chief Customer Officer (CCO)” is being created within the Board of Management of Mercedes-Benz Mobility AG. The new organisational structure reduces the controlling levels, decreases complexity, and thus will also help to implement strategic initiatives that are part of the transformation, faster and more efficiently. That applies especially to the expansion of digital services for customers, flexible financial products and the transition to more online-based contracting.

“The regional structure of Mercedes-Benz Mobility was a very good foundation for our corporate success in the previous years. However, the framework conditions for the business are in transition: customer behaviour is changing, and at the same time the use of technology is making more integrated and scalable processes possible. The new functional alignment also supports this transformation process structurally and makes us faster and more efficient overall,” says Franz Reiner, the CEO of Mercedes-Benz Mobility AG.

Peter Zieringer to be the new Chief Customer Officer

As part of the reorganisation, the Supervisory Board of Mercedes-Benz Mobility AG has appointed Peter Zieringer as Chief Customer Officer, with effect from 1 April 2022. “Peter Zieringer knows today’s Mercedes-Benz Mobility organisation and has influenced it for more than two decades. Thanks to his many years of management experience in important markets and cultures, as well as his strong focus on the changing needs of our customers, Peter Zieringer will direct the seamless integration of Mercedes-Benz Mobility services into the customer experience and, together with his team, open up additional revenue streams through new customer-oriented services,” said Harald Wilhelm, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Mercedes-Benz Mobility AG and member of the Board of Management of Mercedes-Benz Group AG for Finance & Controlling.

Peter Zieringer joined the company in 1993. After holding various international management positions, he was appointed CEO of Mercedes-Benz Bank in Germany in 2005. In 2011 Peter Zieringer became a member of the Board of Management of Mercedes-Benz Mobility (then Daimler Financial Services) for the Americas region and the CEO of Mercedes-Benz Financial Services USA. Since 2019, he has been the Board of Management member responsible for the Europe region. In his new Board of Management function, Peter Zieringer will report to Franz Reiner, the CEO of Mercedes-Benz Mobility AG, and serve as the central interface to the car and van sales organisation of Mercedes-Benz.

The Board of Management of Mercedes-Benz Mobility AG

As of 1 April 2022, the Board of Management of Mercedes-Benz Mobility will consist of Franz Reiner (CEO), Eefje Dikker (CHRO), Gerrit-Michael Duelks (CFO), Jörg Lamparter (COO) and Peter Zieringer (CCO).

Peter Henn, who was previously the Board of Management member responsible for the Americas region and the CEO of Mercedes-Benz Financial Services USA, will in the future continue to be responsible for the North American markets, United States, Canada and Mexico, as the Head of Mercedes-Benz Mobility North America and a member of the Mercedes-Benz Mobility Executive Committee.

“I thank Peter Henn for his many years of service as a member of the Board of Management — initially for the Asia-Pacific, Africa & China region and most recently for the Americas region. I am very pleased that Peter Henn with his high level of expertise and commitment to our company, will continue to drive the market success of Mercedes-Benz Mobility in North America,” says Franz Reiner.

Yvonne Rosslenbroich, member of the Board of Management of Mercedes-Benz Mobility AG who is currently responsible for the Asia-Pacific, Africa & China (APAC) region, will guide the systematic implementation of strategic core projects of Mercedes-Benz Mobility in the future. 

“I am very pleased that during this crucial phase of our company’s transformation Yvonne Rosslenbroich will take on the overall responsibility for the transformation of Mercedes-Benz Mobility in the direction of more digitally driven contracting. I thank Yvonne Rosslenbroich for her commitment to our company and her many years of service as a member of the Board of Management responsible for the Asia-Pacific, Africa & China region, and before that as the board member responsible for Human Resources. I look forward to continuing our very close cooperation and to the successful implementation of our strategic initiatives, in which she will play a major role, thanks to her international experience and strong knowledge of the market” Franz Reiner said.

An extremely successful financial year 2021

Mercedes-Benz Mobility can look back on a very successful financial year 2021. In 2021 the division generated revenue of €27.9 billion and posted record-breaking EBIT, adjusted for extraordinary effects, amounting to €3.4 billion (prior year: €1.6 billion). This was due to the improvement in the operational business development of its mobility and fleet services, lower refinancing costs and lower credit risk costs. As a result, return on equity increased to 22.0% in 2021 (prior year: 10.9%). In 2021 Mercedes-Benz Mobility financed or leased around 50 % of the vehicles sold by the Mercedes-Benz Group worldwide. This corresponds to a contract volume of €133.7 billion.

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