Spain, among the European countries that make more discounts on the purchase of a car

11 March, 2022
Posted by: Jorge Platero
Category: Faconauto News

España, entre los países europeos que realizan más descuentos en la compra de un coche

Renault is the generalist brand that offered the most discounts to its customers in Spain last year, with an average of 5,748 euros.

With the aim of reactivating the vehicle market and recovering sales, brands and dealers have undertaken different strategic actions. One of them has been promotions and offers at dealerships. So much so that, according to promoCAR data from Kantar Insights, Spain has become one of the European countries where more discounts are made to sell cars.

Specifically, according to the study, Spanish consumers enjoyed an average discount for vehicle purchase in 2021 of 4,337 euros, 9% less than the previous year and the lowest figure since 2016. Even so, these data place Spain among the countries in the area with the highest promotions. The European average stands at a discount of 3,019 euros.

And, what is the most common promotion in the Spanish market?

The direct discount continues to be the most common promotion (69%)
They are followed by the benefits linked to the financing of the vehicle (17%)
Later, others such as loyalty programs and repurchase aid (9%).

On the other hand, the report points out that the promotional discount for electric vehicles has suffered a significant increase in recent years, mainly driven by additional support from governments as of 2019. Electric cars had an average promotional benefit of 20, 6% on list price. This is 3 percentage points more than last year. In addition, it places it above the support for gasoline models (15.2%) and diesel (16.5%).

Renault, the brand with the most discounts

The research also reveals that Renault was the generalist brand that applied the greatest average promotional effort per car sold in Spain. A total of 5,748 euros on average, 22% above its average list price and 2.4% less than in 2020.

They are followed by firms such as Kia, with 5,184 euros; Peugeot, with 5,167 euros (-5.2%); Fiat, with 4,759 euros (-1.6%), and Citroën, with 4,581 euros (-3.1%).


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