Companies earn 3.5 times more if they place customer service as a source of value

18 March, 2022
Posted by: Jorge Platero
Category: Faconauto News

Las empresas ganan 3,5 veces más si sitúan la atención al cliente como fuente de valor

We often think that customer service is in the background, but if it is done correctly it can be of great help in increasing sales.

According to the End-to-Endless Customer Service report prepared by Accenture, companies that perceive customer service as an opportunity to create value for their customers, generate more revenue. Today, technology allows us to monitor many services and draw early conclusions thanks to predictions and the large number of stored data. In this way, customer service is much more personalized and satisfaction with the brand is increased.

Continuing with the study, the sample was made up of more than 2,000 executives responsible for customer service in their businesses or related to it and 16,700 consumers present in 13 countries and 14 sectors. A reasonable amount to be able to draw conclusions.

What are the opportunities that we can extract from customer service as a source of value?


Making use of prediction in consumer attention is important to reduce the number of queries a brand receives throughout the day. If we know what the user needs during the purchase process in advance, we can solve their doubt before it occurs. The result of this report was that 75% of B2B clients and 66% of B2C clients consider that proactivity in this service is important, but it is not applied effectively.


Another factor that should be promoted when offering this service is personalization. Customers value the attention they receive and that, in addition, it manages to maximize the value of their products.

innovation process

What if those responsible for customer service in companies were involved in the product innovation process? In this way it is possible to understand all the needs of the users from start to finish and adapt the offer to the demand.

Placing the customer at the center is always a good option

As we have already seen in this report, advances in technology allow us to automate many processes, but we must not forget personalized attention. Each case is different and should be treated as such. It is also necessary to differentiate whether it is a rational, impulsive or suggested purchase because depending on each of them, the purchase process will be more or less fast. In the case of the automotive sector, we are clearly talking about rational purchasing and this is where all the opportunities that we have pointed out in the previous point come into play.

Remember, if you value customer service in your business, you will triple your income!


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