What is the place of the unclassifiable Elon Musk in the pantheon of capitalism?

Posted on Apr 25, 2022 at 9:53 p.m.Updated on Apr 25, 2022 at 10:52 p.m.

Reading the classics of American science fiction can lead to anything, including the firmament of capitalism. Watered by Isaac Asimov and Douglas Adams, Elon Musk dreams of sending humanity to Mars with SpaceX. In the meantime, he is trying to act on Earth by selling electric cars with Tesla, an activity that has made him the richest man on the planet …. and comes from buy Twitter for 44 billion dollars . But who does he compare to in the business pantheon?

At his level of wealth – $259 billion, according to Bloomberg’s latest tally – only John Rockefeller can match him. Except that the fortune of Elon Musk does not resemble that of the founder of the oil industry, which was made by a bulimia of acquisition. Musk also started from scratch, starting one startup, then another, and so on, but he never bought anything – apart from Twitter . Other big names come to mind when we think of the most famous industrialist of our time, a relatively unclassifiable spirit.

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