Seasonal marketing, an opportunity to increase visibility and generate conversions in the dealership

26 April, 2022
Posted by: Jorge Platero
Category: Faconauto News

El marketing estacional, una oportunidad para aumentar visibilidad y generar conversiones en el concesionario

Taking advantage of consumption peaks to launch special campaigns helps to be at the top of mind of buyers.

Knowing the interests of consumers depending on the time of year and adapting to them is essential to increase sales. Although it is true that, depending on the type of product and/or service offered, these dates may vary. Therefore, each brand must determine when to strengthen sales based on its market history. This is what is known as seasonal marketing, a personalized strategy for your dealership.

Seasonal marketing as an effective technique to gain visibility

The seasonal marketing technique offers many advantages in terms of brand positioning and sales. If you want to take advantage of all of them, follow these tips and launch eye-catching personalized campaigns:

Plan your actions. Before carrying out any seasonal marketing campaign, you must know what is the ideal time of consumption for your audience. In addition to considering that more and more users are taking advantage of offers and promotions to make purchases.
Stay up to date on market trends. Sales in the automotive sector depend largely on the tastes and preferences of each consumer. That is why it is important to observe what are the main factors that are taken into account when making the purchase. A good example is sustainability, one of today’s booming trends and one that dealerships need to adapt to.
Take advantage of the potential of the online environment. In addition to social networks, perfect for knowing the purchasing behavior of your potential customers, we can develop native advertising campaigns. This is a type of content that allows users to reach those most in tune with the brand through fully personalized ads and in a non-intrusive way. Thus, you will arouse the interest of your audience and you will increase the conversion rate.
Offer personalized content. Interactive content such as games or surveys facilitate increased engagement and allow you to reach a greater number of potential customers. Bet on offering valuable content for the user in your campaigns.

The key to developing a successful campaign

Regardless of the objective set for the seasonal marketing campaign: increase sales, gain visibility or improve brand reputation; Preparing a strategy in advance, contemplating all possible scenarios, is key to guaranteeing success in all its stages.


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