German Handelsblatt: Electromobility: Porsche invests in new batteries – the new material is that powerful004257

Sports sedan Taycan

With new battery materials, Porsche could increase the range and charging speed of its car batteries.

For new, high-performance batteries, Porsche is again allowed to go its own way in the Volkswagen Group with a lot of money: First, in 2021, the Zuffenhausen-based company announced that it would build a high-performance battery cell factory itself. Then the venture capital spin-off Porsche Ventures took a stake in the cooperation partner and battery specialist Customcells. Now the sports car manufacturer is securing a new, more powerful cell technology for the new plant with a direct investment.
The Zuffenhausen-based company has acquired a stake in the US company Group14 Technologies, a manufacturer of silicon-carbon technology for lithium-ion batteries based in Woodinville (Washington, USA), for around 100 million US dollars.
The topic of batteries, underestimated by the German automotive industry for many years, has now made it to the top of management’s list of priorities. “The battery cell is the combustion chamber of the future,” explained Porsche boss Oliver Blume recently. In the future, it will not be displacement and hp that will determine success, but rather the performance of the battery. And this is where the sporty VW subsidiary wants to stand out from the automotive competition in the electric age.

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