ACI: yet another slowdown in April for the second-hand market, car radiations in heavy decline

ACI: yet another slowdown in April for the second-hand market, car radiations in heavy decline


A negative sign also in April for the second-hand market, which is struggling to show signs of recovery in both the four-wheeler and motorcycle sectors. The transfer of ownership of the cars net of mini-transfers (temporary transfers in the name of the dealer pending resale to the end customer) closed the monthly balance down by 14.2% compared to April 2021. Also considering the presence in April 2022 of two working days less, the aforementioned balance in terms of daily average is confirmed as negative: -5.2%. A similar decrease was also found for mini-crops, which in April reported a negative monthly variation of 13.5%, which is reduced to -4.4% in terms of daily average.

In relation to the massive collapse of the first registrations, however, the sales of used cars were more than double compared to the registrations of new cars: for every 100 new units in the month of April, a good 216 second-hand units were sold ( 209 in the first quarter of the year).

Traditional fuels (petrol and diesel) are still on the scars on the second-hand market, despite the drop of more than 2 percentage points in the diesel share recorded in April, which in any case remains firmly at the top of the rankings. The market share of second-hand gasoline hybrid cars instead rises to 3.6% (it was 1.8% in April 2021) while electric cars, while still remaining a niche, are gradually starting to conquer ground (0.7% in April 2022 against 0.2% in April 2021).

The drop was even more pronounced in April for the transfer of ownership of motorcycles, which, net of mini-revolutions, reported a decrease of 17.4% compared to the same month of 2021 (-8.7% in terms of daily average).

In the first four months of 2022 compared to the same period of 2021, net transfers of ownership recorded negative variations of 9.9% for cars, 7.6% for motorcycles and 8.8% for all vehicles .

The data are reported in the latest monthly bulletin “Auto-Trend”, the statistical analysis carried out by the Automobile Club of Italy on the PRA data, available on the website

April in deep red due to radiation, with a consequent further increase in the number of vehicles in circulation. With 77,441 procedures completed (a lowest level in the last 20 years was observed only in April 2020, following the Covid-19 emergency), car radiations recorded a real drop of 42.6% compared to the same month of 2021 (-36.6% in terms of daily average). The unit replacement rate was equal to 0.80 in April (80 of every 100 new cars were canceled) and 0.85 in the first four months of 2022. In April also the radiations of motorcycles, which accused a monthly decrease of 13.1% (-4% in terms of daily average).

In the first four months of 2022 compared to the same period of 2021, radiation overall showed decreases of 32.4% for cars, 2.9% for motorcycles and 29.9% for all vehicles.

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