Decreased demand for the turning assistant support program

In Berlin, the subsidy pot for truck turning systems is not yet empty, but the demand for them is falling.

Former Minister of Transport Andreas Scheuer (CSU) had one after fatal accidents between trucks and bicycles subsidy pot set up to install more accident-avoiding systems in trucks. But the funding pot was empty within a very short time. As a result, Berlin acquired a state-owned pot that is not yet empty, but demand is falling. In the meantime, there are also federal funding pots again.


Traffic in Berlin

Turning assistance systems help truck drivers to prevent or reduce dangers in the blind spot in particular and accidents when turning in general. Sensors detect obstacles and a warning system reports this to the driver. The system had been applied for 186 times by May 2021. Since then, the funding volume has fallen to 30 trucks, combined with a falling number of applications. From the money that would be enough for 3,300 trucks, 152 assistance systems have now been installed.

The system will be mandatory for new trucks from this summer. The subsidy in Berlin is maintained and you receive up to 1,500 euros in subsidy for each 3.5 ton truck. However, no funding is currently being certified due to budget planning.

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