German Handelsblatt: VW Annual General Meeting: How much dividend will the Volkswagen share bring in 2022?004323

When was the Volkswagen Annual General Meeting 2022?

The Annual General Meeting was held on May 12, 2022.
What is the Volkswagen dividend for 2022?
A dividend of EUR 7.50 per ordinary share and EUR 7.56 per preference share was approved for the 2021 financial year.
What was the Volkswagen Dividend 2021?
The dividend for the 2020 financial year was EUR 4.80 per ordinary share and EUR 4.86 per preference share.
When will VW pay the 2022 dividend?
The dividend is due on the third banking day after the Annual General Meeting. Therefore, the dividend should be paid out on May 17, 2022 at the latest.

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Subject: Volkswagen

When are Volkswagen shares quoted “ex dividend”?
On the first business day after the Annual General Meeting, the share is quoted “ex dividend” – the price of the share is reduced by the value of the dividend. Click here for the current VW share price.
By when did investors have to buy the Volkswagen shares in order to receive the dividend?
In order to receive a VW dividend for the 2021 financial year, the shares had to be in the securities account by the day of the Annual General Meeting at the latest.
More on the subject: Volkswagen wants to transform itself into a purely electric supplier

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