Stellantis: “we are calling for a 5% increase”, in the country of Montbéliard, nearly 350 employees of the equipment manufacturer Siedoubs Faurecia are on strike

Since Tuesday April 19, employees of the Montbéliard and Etupes sites in the Doubs have been on strike. They are demanding wage increases and a large bonus due to inflation and the work provided in recent months.

Some of the 900 employees are on strike. According to the unions, they are nearly 350 to have stopped working. Siedoubs Faurecia manufactures seats for car manufacturer Stellantis and its neighboring factories in Sochaux and Mulhouse. It was the mandatory annual negotiations that sparked the fire.

“We have a salary of around 1500 euros net, we are asking for a 5% increase, we think it is legitimate, given the group’s profits and inflation” sums up an employee on strike.

L'équipementier automobile Siedoubs Faurecia fabrique des sièges automobiles pour Stellantis, ex-PSA.

The automotive supplier Siedoubs Faurecia manufactures automotive seats for Stellantis, ex-PSA. • © Fabienne Le Moing – France Televisions

The inter-union CGT / CFDT / FO denounces the proposals made by management. “During the NAO, we were made fun of. Management dangled us with increases of 3.5% as a general increase, and an exceptional bonus of 1,500 euros. In the end, during the meeting, we went to a 2.5% increase paid in two instalments and the bonus rose to 800 euros paid in three instalments” annoys Cifti Eguin, Force Ouvrière union representative in front of the site of Montbeliard.

Some were summoned to court for blocking the direction of trucks during the conflict. This Thursday, our journalists were able to see that a picket had been set up in front of the Montbéliard factory, but that the movement of vehicles and personnel was not hindered by the strike movement.

“We are determined, what we are asking for is legitimate with the inflation of recent months. People who work must be able to feed themselves with dignity,” adds the trade unionist.

“We generate margins at Siedoubs Faurecia that could make other companies in the region dream. So, we must have a return on our work, and not pay 15 million euros in 2021 for the benefit of the group’s shareholders. We must not forget the employees” believes Cifti Eguin.

This Thursday, April 21, the strikers received a mediation proposal with their management, a proposal from the prefecture.

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