German Handelsblatt: Auto industry: “Quality not as it should be” – Stellantis boss Tavares makes Opel Druck004400

Stellantis boss Carlos Tavares

Stellantis boss Carlos Tavares expressed his dissatisfaction with the quality of the German subsidiary Opel in an interview. The three domestic Opel plants in Rüsselsheim, Eisenach and Kaiserslautern are not sufficiently competitive, Tavares told the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung” according to the preliminary report. “You still have a long way to go. Hard work, including production quality.” Customers also complained. The quality is getting better, but it’s still not as good as it should be.
In an international comparison, the Opel plants are behind plants in other European countries and in Asia. Chinese factories are currently delivering better quality, Tavares said. At the same time he called for further cost reductions. “We have to save everywhere,” he said, justifying this with the increase in costs due to the switch to electromobility.

In the European auto industry as a whole, jobs are at stake and Germany is part of Europe. However, he affirmed the support of Opel from the parent company: “We love Opel, we support and protect the company.”
More: Opel gets a new boss again

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