Registrations fall 11% in May despite the improvement in sales to individuals and companies

In the accumulated figure for the year, sales of passenger cars and SUVs fell by 11.5%, with 318,487 units

Registrations of light commercial vehicles fall 32.7% compared to the same month of the previous year, with 10,914 units

Industrial vehicles, buses, coaches and minibuses reduced their sales by 1.7% in May

Image from Shutterstock

Madrid, June 1, 2022. The month of May closed with a 10.9% drop in car and SUV registrations compared to the same month of the previous year, with a total of 84,977 units. The market continues to register figures lower than 2021, marked mainly by the microchip crisis and the economic context, although the recovery of sales to the market by individuals and companies stands out in this last month. For its part, up to the month of May, a total of 318,487 units were added, -11.5% less compared to the same period of the previous year.

The average CO2 emissions of cars sold in May are 122 grams of CO2 per kilometer traveled, 2.9% lower than the average emissions of new cars sold in May 2021.

Both sales to individuals and companies managed to improve on the figures for the previous year, registering growth of 4.3% and 3.3%, respectively. In the last month, the individual channel reached 34,666 registered units, while the company channel added a total of 32,076 units, thus breaking the downward trend of the last two months. In contrast, the rental channel continues to record negative figures, with a sharp drop of 41.4%.


In May, the registrations of light commercial vehicles are those that register the greatest drop, with a reduction of 32.7% and a total of 10,914 units. Regarding the accumulated figure for the year, 46,369 units were reached, which represents a decrease of 36.1% compared to the first five months of the previous year. As for sales by channels, all recorded significant falls, reflecting the decline in sales in this type of vehicle.


The registrations of industrial vehicles, buses, coaches and microbuses decreased in May 2022 by 1.7% with 1,930 units. In the fifth month, on the part of industrial vehicles, only light industrial vehicles between 3.5 and 6 tons. achieved a growth of 34.2%. For their part, buses managed to reach a positive rate, with growth of 44.4% and 169 units.


Aránzazu Mur, director of ANFAC’s economy and logistics area, explained that “the trend of market reduction in recent months continues. This shows the delicate situation that the automotive sector is going through, due to the greatest extent to the microchip crisis that does not allow manufacturing at the pace set by demand. In any case, although the market is down, caused by the sharp drop in rent-a-car, both sales to individuals and companies closed the month positive. This improvement, which places the month of May in the best record of the year, may reflect a growing interest on the part of buyers who, despite the economic and international context, are resuming vehicle purchases. We will have to wait for the evolution in the coming months to determine if it is a one-off situation or a first sign of recovery in demand”.

Raúl Morales, communication director of FACONAUTO, indicated that “in May there was a slight improvement in orders at dealerships, and also in registrations due to the fact that, very little by little, the vehicles that have been sold are being registered. in preceding months. Despite this small reactivation, sales are 30% below the units that were sold before the pandemic.

The current situation of registrations leads us to a market that is going to be closer to 800,000 than 900,000 units, far from what our country’s economy needs and what the sector requires, taking into account investments that both manufacturers and dealers are doing to accelerate towards the decarbonization of mobility”.

According to the communication director of GANVAM, Tania Puche, “the lack of stock derived from the chip crisis continues to make a dent in the automotive sector. Although May has registered the best number of registrations this year, we are still around 30% below pre-pandemic levels, which means that we still have a monthly volume far from the 100,000 units that correspond to our market. Although individuals are gradually beginning to receive the deliveries that they had pending for more than six months, there are still not enough vehicles to meet the demand of companies dedicated to car rental, which is going to weigh down this year, placing it for the third year in a row around 850,000 units”.

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