Sales of electrified vehicles grow 10% in the month of May

In the month of May, with 7,254 units, electrified vehicles represented a market share of over 7%

In the first five months of the year, a total of 32,960 sales of electrified vehicles is reached, with a growth of 45%

Registrations of electrified, hybrid and gas vehicles reach 33,750 registrations, with an increase of 10.6% in May

Madrid, June 1, 2022.- Sales of electrified vehicles (electric and plug-in hybrids) reached a total volume of 7,254 units, 9.7% more than the same month of May of the previous year. In this month, the electrified market represented 7.4% of the total vehicle market. For its part, up to the fifth month, 32,960 new registrations of this type were added. Although these figures are positive, ANFAC highlights the need to accelerate the pace of electrification in order to achieve the emission reduction targets set by the PNIEC in 2022.

For their part, the registrations of electrified, hybrid and gas vehicles (cars, quadricycles, commercial and industrial vehicles and buses) increased their sales in May by 10.6% compared to the same month of the previous year, up to 33,750 units delivered. In the accumulated of the year, deliveries of these vehicles grew by 15.8% to 131,533 units.

In the last month, the sales of alternative vehicles (electrified, hybrid and gas) continued their upward trend and once again positioned themselves as the second purchase option above diesel, with a total of 25,634 units. Specifically, in the fifth month, alternative vehicles represent 34.4% of the market, while gasoline sales are 39.5% and diesel 26.1%.


Sales of electric vehicles increased by 12.6% in May, reaching 2,421 units registered in this month. It represents 2.47% of the market share in May. For the year as a whole, sales of these vehicles totaled 13,169 units, 65.3% more than in the same period of the previous year. The accumulated fee for the year is 3.5%


Sales of plug-in hybrid vehicles grew by 8.3% during May, reaching 4,833 units registered in this month. It represents 4.93% of the market share in May. For the year as a whole, sales of these vehicles amounted to 19,791 units, 36.6% more than in the same period of the previous year. The accumulated fee for the year is 5.25%


Sales of gas vehicles increased by 2.1% in April, reaching 1,285 units registered in this month. It represents 1.31% of the market share in May. For the year as a whole, sales of these vehicles amounted to 6,177 units, 16.5% less than in the same period of the previous year. The accumulated share of the year is 1.64%


Sales of non-plug-in hybrid vehicles grew by 11% during May, reaching 25,211 units registered this month. It represents 25.7% of the market share in May. For the year as a whole, sales of these vehicles amounted to 92,386 units, 10.6% more than in the same period of the previous year. The quota for the year accumulated is 24.53%.


Registrations of electrified, hybrid and gas PASSENGER cars increased their sales in April by 10.9% compared to the same month of the previous year, to 32,525 units delivered. In the accumulated of the year, deliveries of these cars rose by 18%, to 126,746 units.

In the month of May, electrified passenger cars continue their upward pace to a total of 6,754 units. Battery electric vehicles increased by 11% to 1,990 units in the month, as did plug-in hybrids, which increased their registrations by 6.9% to 4,764 units. Electrified passenger cars account for 7.95% of the total passenger car market.

In any case, ANFAC warns that, although the market has a positive and upward trend, in order to achieve the goal of a park of 3 million electrified passenger cars by 2030 as set out in the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan, the pace current is still very slow. Until the fifth month, a total of 30,710 electrified cars are added, when the market would have to be close to 50,000 units sold to achieve the 120,000 units set as a milestone in 2022 to reach the objective set by the PNIEC in 2030.


José López-Tafall, general director of ANFAC, pointed out that “the electrified vehicle is a reality in our market, but it is still a minority. The sector pushes with a wide range of electrified vehicles, but it must be responded to the same extent by the demand. Sales of this type of vehicle have increased compared to the previous year, which is good news, but its rate of entry is still slow and below what is necessary to reach the milestone of 120,000 electrified passenger cars for this year, which will allow us to meet the European emission reduction requirements. Measures such as accelerating the promotion of recharging infrastructure, greater efficiency in aid plans or a fiscal framework with positive measures to encourage electrification are very necessary if we want to move decisively towards decarbonization and catch up with the main countries, even more so if new, even more ambitious goals are approved.”

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