Ford, Volkswagen, BMW and others seek to defend California emissions waiver

Washington — Ford Motor Co. and the U.S. branches of Volkswagen AG, BMW AG, Honda Motor Corp. and Volvo Ltd. are asking to intervene in a federal lawsuit to defend California’s power to set its own stringent emissions standards. 

It marks the re-entry of major automakers into a fight that divided the industry under former President Donald Trump, who revoked California’s waiver allowing it to set its own emissions standards, which are generally more stringent than the federal government and have wide-ranging impact on the U.S. auto industry.

Surface street traffic crosses above the U.S. 101 freeway in Los Angeles, where smog has been a longstanding problem.

When President Joe Biden came into office, he directed the administration to reverse the decision and in March, the Environmental Protection Agency restored the waiver.

In mid-May, Republican attorneys general in 17 states challenged that decision in court. Led by Ohio, the suit argued the waiver violates the U.S. Constitution’s “equal sovereignty” principle. California and 19 other states also joined the suit defending the waiver powers.

“This is the right thing to do for people and for the planet. But it’s also important in the industry for its success moving forward,” Ford General Counsel and Chief Policy Officer Steven Croley said Tuesday. “This step moves us closer to a zero emissions transportation future. It also creates regulatory stability, and a level regulatory playing field for the industry.”

Trump announced his administration would revoke the rule in 2019, arguing that unified national standards would sell more cars and create more jobs. 

It kicked off a legal battle that cleaved the U.S. auto industry into two camps: One siding with an environmental group in a lawsuit challenging Trump’s policy, and one siding with the administration. 

California is the most populous state in the U.S. and accounts for around 11% of all new-car sales in the U.S., according to the National Automobile Dealers Association.