Waymo hooks up with Uber Freight

Industry leader Waymo is one of the last companies to use Uber Freight for autonomous trucks.

The transport service provider Uber and the Google sister company Waymo don’t like each other Absolutely. Uber hired Anthony Levandowski, who was still stealing important data from Google when he switched to Uber. This resulted in two lawsuits against Uber and Levandowski – Waymo won both.

waymo Lkw

waymo truck Source: Waymo.com

Still works Waymo now entered into a partnership with Uber, more precisely with About Freight. This is a platform that brings freight businesses and driving companies together. Waymo, like much of the industry, is also developing autonomous ones trucks and also use the offer from Uber, for example TuSimple or aurora.

Waymo now expects the cooperation to scale its own business with autonomous trucks. Many freight companies use the platform on which Waymo now also offers its trucks. So far, Waymo has been cooperating with some providers, but Uber Freight is the central platform for freight management.

The lack of drivers, the high utilization and the pressure to increase efficiency promote the automation of freight traffic, from which Waymo now wants to make money. Trucks will conquer long-distance roads before cars because of their economic efficiency, because here the traffic is more manageable and people then take over the last mile.

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