German Handelsblatt: VW diesel scandal: BGH gives the green light for class action lawsuits by foreign diesel buyers004483

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According to VW, several class action lawsuits for a total of around 36,000 clients are pending in German courts.

(Photo: imago images/Christian Ohde)

Thousands of foreign diesel buyers who have assigned their claims against VW to the online service provider Myright can hope for compensation again. Unlike the courts in Braunschweig before it, the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) in Karlsruhe ruled on Monday in a model case involving a Swiss customer that Myright met the formal requirements to ultimately collect the claims through class action lawsuits. Special expertise, for example in Swiss law, is not required for this. This means that the content of the individual claims can now be checked.

Myright works for a commission in case of success. According to VW, several class action lawsuits are pending in German courts for a total of around 36,000 clients. These include two class action lawsuits for more than 2,000 Swiss and around 6,000 Slovenian customers. In the hearing at noon, the judges indicated that they did not see any other formal obstacles at Myright that could be relevant for German victims in particular. This aspect was not discussed when the verdict was pronounced. It remains to be seen whether he will appear in the detailed written verdict.
In a second case from Baden-Württemberg, the Senate dealt with possible residual damages for imported cars. Those affected by the emissions scandal may be entitled to it if they did not sue for damages in good time. It remained unclear whether the prerequisites for this existed. The Stuttgart Higher Regional Court must now negotiate again and clarify open questions. (Az. VIa ZR 418/21 and others)
More: 288 million euros are not enough: VW shareholders want to overturn the comparison with Winterkorn and Co

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