German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: Volkswagen sales also collapse in May004502

VW in Zwickau

The carmaker’s sales figures continued to fall sharply in May. Deliveries have fallen, particularly in the Chinese market.

(Photo: dpa)

Volkswagen also sold significantly fewer vehicles in May. Last month, the group delivered 658,300 units worldwide, 23.5 percent fewer cars, trucks and buses than a year ago. The decline was not quite as rapid as in April, when sales collapsed by 40 percent due to the shortage of semiconductors and the lockdowns in China.
In the Wolfsburg-based company’s largest market in China, deliveries fell by almost a quarter after having shrunk by half in the previous month due to production restrictions to combat the pandemic. Some plants there are now being ramped up again. However, there are also concerns about further lockdowns.
The sharpest drop in sales was in Eastern Europe, where deliveries fell by 48 percent in May. In Western Europe, Volkswagen sold 23 percent fewer vehicles than a year ago. In North America, the drop was similarly high at 24 percent.

With the exception of luxury car makers Lamborghini and Bentley, all brands posted sales declines. Since the beginning of the year, deliveries by the world’s second-largest car company have fallen by a good quarter to around 3.1 million vehicles.

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