German Handelsblatt: Auto suppliers: Continental diesel affair: The two faces of Wolfgang Reitzle004510

Wolfgang Reitzel

The Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Continental is always well informed about what is happening at the supplier. In the diesel affair, he has inexplicable memory gaps.

(Photo: Linde AG)

Wolfgang Reitzle couldn’t believe the number at first. During his testimony at the Hanover public prosecutor’s office on June 1, 2021, senior public prosecutor Malte Rabe von Kühlewein informed him of the amount that Continental might have to pay in the diesel affair: 250 million euros.
“Oh, that’s crazy,” said Reitzle. The longstanding chairman of the supervisory board had just explained how manageable the risk for Continental would be. It’s about the gains in engine control, said Reitzle. “They’re not high.”
Chief Public Prosecutor Rabe von Kühlewein enlightened Reitzle. A so-called levy amount can be determined in criminal proceedings. This is based on the sales that Continental achieved with the engine control devices for Volkswagen.

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