TÜV: How do you feel about autonomous driving?

The TÜV conducted a study on the attitude of the population towards autonomous driving.

The TÜV association has conducted a study on the question of autonomous driving. 39 percent of those surveyed could imagine driving around in an automated vehicle. A third could not imagine it and 29 percent had no opinion.

Germany, according to Goebelt from TÜV, takes because of the early Law change 2021 in the lead in the market. However, this law draws a small framework and regulates the use of shuttles or the autonomous Park.

Artificial intelligence (AI) works inside the autonomous vehicles. She replaces the human. That was also part of the investigation. As a result, 46 percent of people in this country claim that the AI ​​has to act without errors. Another 27 percent want more safety from AI than from human drivers.

According to the TÜV, the function of the AI ​​should be carried out by independent exams be guaranteed. This attitude was shared by 78 percent of those surveyed. The TÜV refers to wear and tear and readjustments after a possible accident. This requires a test in the sense of the TÜV.

The question to be asked, however, is how to check that a learning system, such as that represented by AI, is working correctly? There are some approaches for this, but no standardized test yet. Even for assistance systems there are no such verification standards before. The TÜV also demands this: standards and standardized tests as well as adequate data basis. Of the IAMTS is currently developing these standards.

There are also uncertainties about the question of data security with OTA (over the air) updates: does this change the operating license or does it affect the type approval? These questions still need to be clarified.

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