German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: Volkswagen does not want to postpone Porsche IPO004522


Volkswagen boss Diess does not see the schedule for the Porsche IPO in jeopardy.

(Photo: dpa)

Despite the gloomy market environment, Volkswagen is not thinking of postponing the IPO of its sports car subsidiary Porsche. “Very simple answer: no,” said CFO Arno Antlitz on Wednesday in response to a question at an event hosted by the Bloomberg agency.
The IPO, planned for the fourth quarter of 2022, will give Volkswagen flexibility to finance its transformation into a software-based mobility provider. Porsche has proven its robustness even under difficult conditions and is highly profitable.
Regarding the IPO plans, Antlitz said there is a lot of skepticism among investors about tech companies and new startups. He was confident of being able to convince investors of Porsche: “There is still capital out there.” Previously, CEO Herbert Diess had said at an event in Qatar that preparations for Porsche’s listing on the stock exchange were going according to plan.
Antlitz also confirmed the considerations for a partial IPO of the battery activities. A listing is more likely in 2023 or 2024.

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