German Handelsblatt: Car manufacturer: Former BMW manager again accused of bribery004536

BMW headquarters in Munich

The former manager is in custody.

(Photo: dpa)

The Munich public prosecutor’s office has brought two further charges of breach of trust and bribery against a former BMW manager. “The man is said to have given preference to companies when awarding contracts between 2007 and 2017 and received a total of five million euros for this in the period under statute of limitations,” said a spokesman for the Munich Higher Regional Court. The “Wirtschaftswoche” had previously reported.
In a first indictment, the public prosecutor’s office accused him at the end of 2021 of having received more than 2.4 million euros in bribes by 2015 when contracts were awarded to management consultants. “There are two other charges against the former executive,” the court spokesman said on Friday. “The interim proceedings are ongoing in all three proceedings.”
The Chamber of Criminal Commerce at the Munich Regional Court must now decide whether to allow the lawsuits and open a process.

The man is in custody. Also accused of bribery and aiding and abetting embezzlement is the managing director of a consulting firm that is now insolvent. BMW is said to have suffered damage of 6.2 million euros.

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