
Self-education involves studying a complex of disciplines, including the history of the development of science, philosophy, language and literature. At this stage teachers use a variety of educational technologies – interactive lessons, extracurricular work, lectures, practical classes, computer presentations, film lessons, lectures-concerts, round tables, conferences, open classes.

At the present time two directions of profile training are used:

Electives and special courses

Faculty of Humanities Education.

Faculty of physical and mathematical education.

As a result of the training students acquire knowledge, abilities and skills in the field of educational and methodological activities:

are able to use new information technologies in the educational process

Know how to find, structure and use information correctly

Know how to create tests and case studies

Can competently compose and format lesson plans and lecture notes

Know and know how to use different teaching methods in teaching and learning process

Participate in educational, scientific and practical activities

Create electronic educational resources, including tests, crosswords, quizzes, contests and games.

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Main activities of the department

The department provides training in the following areas:

Informatics and Computer Science

Mathematical modeling and computing technology

Software for information systems

Applied Computer Science in Economics

Design, technology and automation of information systems.

Education at the department is carried out according to full-time and correspondence forms. Term of study is 5 years.

010400 Informatics, Computer Modeling.

Bachelors are trained as masters, who have already received a Bachelor’s Degree.

Upon graduation, bachelors can continue their studies on Master’s degree programs and continue their postgraduate studies.

The following documents must be submitted in order to enroll in a master’s program:

A certificate of secondary (full) general or secondary vocational education

A copy of passport (pages with photo and registration).

Certificate of passing the USE for the maximum score in the school

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Computer engineering, qualification “Computer operator of the 1st category”

Computer aided design (PDA) with graphic editors, 2nd level

When choosing a second training profile after secondary vocational education, a student can choose a master’s direction “Informatics and Information Technology” after completing a bachelor’s program at Dubna University.

The cost of training – 2000 rubles per month.

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