effective self-learning methods

Self-study is full training. Every year we produce 30-40 graduates.

We teach employees of all levels who have a desire to study, take exams, and participate in various kinds of competitions, as well as university students – those who want to become a professional in their chosen profession or become part of the Wikimedia RU team.

The VB team is not just journalists: the team includes more than 20 professionals, including business consultants and journalists.

When a new person joins our team, we talk to him a lot, then he is interviewed by us, and then he gets acquainted with our graduates.

– Tell us, what brings you together in the team?

Inna Kovtun, information editor: “We, like brothers, probably, if not more, decided to create a Wikimedia information service. We all have our hobbies: some of us like fishing, some like dogs, and me and Stepan like computers. I have long dreamed of working in the media, especially on the Internet. When I found out that my future boss came from the newspaper, I thought it was great luck – the man immediately answered my questions, and happiness came into my life!”

Yaroslav Romaschenko, deputy editor-in-chief: “I have been working at the newspaper for three years and have been involved in Internet projects for four. Most of all I like to write about good things: how important it is to congratulate a person on time, how serious you are about your work, and how you should never put off fulfilling your dreams. I enjoy working for the newspaper.

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