PowerCubeSemi, exports 650V power semiconductors to Chinese electric vehicle manufacturers

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<Tae-young Kang, CEO of PowerCubeSemi (right), taking a commemorative photo after shipment of 650V Super Junction MOSFET.>

PowerCubeSemi has developed the 650V Super Junction MOSFET using the DB HiTec Foundry (consignment production) facility and has supplied it to Chinese electric vehicle manufacturers. Super Junction MOSFET is a high-performance power semiconductor product. Power Cube Semi will supply MOSFETs to China’s largest electric vehicle maker in cooperation with domestic fabless and foundries.

PowerCubeSemi is expected to achieve 2 million cumulative exports of Super Junction MOSFETs by the end of this year.

Super Junction MOSFETs have been used in home appliances to increase power efficiency. PowerCubeSemi has succeeded in developing and delivering MOSFETs with a large capacity of 70 amperes. It is expected that the application will be able to expand to premium electric vehicle products.

PowerCubeSemi is also under development of next-generation power semiconductors. It has developed 1,200V silicon carbide (SIC) power semiconductors and is evaluating the prototypes. Final product evaluation is underway for supply to the electric vehicle charger and motor market. Compared to SIC silicon semiconductors, its strength is ten times higher and its thermal conductivity is over three times higher. It is attracting attention as a power semiconductor material because it can withstand high voltage and high heat.

PowerCubeSemi is the only company in South Korea to develop gallium oxide (Ga₂O₃) power semiconductors. Ga₂O₃ is drawing attention as a next-generation power semiconductor along with the SIC. PowerCubeSemi is promoting product development and supply by building a domestic Ga₂O₃ exclusive fab.

Tae-young Kang, CEO of PowerCubeSemi, said, “The shortage of semiconductors for vehicles is being prolonged,” adding, “As the leading domestic power semiconductor company, we will strive to achieve our sales target of KRW 20 billion this year.”

By Staff Reporter Ji-woong Kim jw0316@etnews.com

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